makesy by the soap gal

Makesy X The Soap Gal

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makesy by the soap gal

Two brave souls set out on a mission to empower, educate, and inspire diy-ers and small business owners around the world to burst the bubble, break the ceiling, and scale their soap-making to sudsy levels the world has seldom seen.

Makesy and The Soap Gal joined forces, slashing down soap-making misinformation that has shackled soap makers up to this day.

Break free of your cure time, makers! Take back your right to make as much soap as you want!

A soap revolution is born!

*tape rewinds*

Ok, maybe that was a little bit over the top. But you get the gist! 

The Soap Gal, owned and operated by Joanna Couch, has grown from a small handmade soap making business to now sell millions of bars of soap annually over the years.

Joanna's 40,000 sqft GMP-certified (good manufacturing practices) factory in Arizona produces soaps both for private label and for her own brands, like the Bubble Factory!

The Soap Gal has partnered with makesy on a mission to help soap makers be successful, safe, and scale their soap business the way that Joanna has done with The Soap Gal.

Joanna is sharing all her soap making hacks, decades of research and experience, and her formula that has sold tens of millions of bars and allowed her to scale her business.

Why would she share all that, you ask?

makesy by the soap gal

Well, first of all, she’s one of the most giving, kind individuals that we, at makesy, have ever had the pleasure of working with.

She also shares our mission to help break through the ceiling for hobbyists, diy-ers, and small businesses to grow their business to new heights.

Everybody on the planet needs soap, and there’s so much opportunity in the market.

With Joanna’s innovative methodology behind making cold process soap, we will teach you how to go from a 4-6 week cure time to having bars that are safe to use and ready to sell after 2 days.

Your process will become efficient, streamlined, and scalable. This process will give you the gift of time and that… that is priceless. 

Don’t waste another minute saying “no” or “I can’t” to missed sales opportunities, or losing time waiting for your bars to cure. 

We formed this partnership to bring transparency, education, innovation, and opportunity to soap makers around the world and we are ready for you to join us! 

Ready to learn Joanna’s method and get started?

Shop the cold process soap starter kit

Watch our tutorial video on Joanna’s process

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