Planting Seeds For Greatness

Have you ever heard of Plant the Seeds of Greatness Month? If not, let’s talk about it because this is your opportunity to get your shine on!
The month of February is a celebration of bringing out our greatness – every single one of us has something remarkable inside and this is the time to nurture it.
As we leave what feels like never ending January behind, some of our new year resolutions may have only seen some light for a couple of weeks (or, ahem… days). But that doesn’t mean you can’t try again!
February comes to us with a promise that spring is just around the corner, which means new beginnings and a fresh start. When you made your New Year resolutions, we were still in winter, which has been cold, rainy, snowy for some, and motivation has been hard to keep (especially since our favorite shows and big comfy blankets are constantly calling our name).
But now that a new season is upon us, so is a new opportunity for change… you got this!
what is "plant the seeds of greatness" month?
Plant the Seeds of Greatness Month doesn’t have an official source of origin, but it serves a purpose that lines up well with this time of year. This month, it’s time to dedicate ourselves to taking actions that are truly life changing.
Whether you’ve been wanting to add a new product to your line, invest in a new tool that will help you work more efficiently (like these ones), or take a new class of some sort, February is the month to plant those new seeds and let your greatness bloom.
how to take part
Planting these seeds also means getting rid of the things that are keeping you from moving forward – this could be done by deleting certain accounts on your social media that don’t make you feel your best or throwing out that old tool you know needs to be replaced.
Set yourself up for success and positivity that lingers. This is also the perfect time to reach out to friends and family and let them know how great they are… maybe that means sending them a care package with one of your products along with a note telling them how incredible they are.
start planting seeds
Planting these seeds in different aspects of your life will allow greatness to sprout within and around you, and what’s not to love about that?
Recommitting to a journey of growth can be challenging, but the best part is that you are able to try again. Try asking yourself these questions and write down your answers so you can revisit them:
- What does your business/creative adventure look like 5 years from now?
- Do you like this vision or does it need some editing?
- What kinds of things do you need to accomplish in order to get there?
- And finally, what steps can you take this month to help you get to where you want to be in 5 years?
Now that you have an idea of what this month is all about, let’s get you geared up to bring greatness into your life.
plant positive mental seeds
This can be done by starting your day with some expression of gratitude, setting positive intentions for the day (especially interactions with people who inspire, uplift, and challenge you in the best way), or making a new growth-oriented podcast part of your “getting ready” routine.
focus on what makes you come alive
Stay the course of where your interests, passions, and skills (that can continue to develop) align. It’s important to find joy in your work to help nurture your greatness, and we think it’s safe to say you’re doing that with all your making!
plan ahead & get back to basics
Create a reasonable and logistical plan filled with detailed steps that you can take in the next 4 weeks to improve yourself and your craft. Get back to basics. Don’t worry too much about the big picture and laser-in on the foundational aspect of your plan – what do you need to execute your goals over the next month that will set you up for success?
be prepared for the challenge
We know you’ve heard that growth can be uncomfortable, but that statement remains true for anything you want to succeed in. Embrace the gap between learning and executing to really give yourself a shot at the level of greatness you want to achieve.
get ready for the overlfow
Working on self-improvement can be scary and sometimes that fear becomes the barrier between you and self-growth. But once you’ve planted your seeds and see them start to bloom, open yourself up to the new you and let yourself soar.
We’re so excited for this fresh start! You deserve to grow in new and exciting ways, and we can’t wait to see how you nurture your greatness. Let us know how you’re planting your seeds for greatness on Instagram by posting a video or photo that describes your plan and tagging us @makesy – we might just feature you on our page!
Happy planting & making!