how to remove candle wax from surfaces

how to remove candle wax from surfaces

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Hey makers! Today we'll be sharing a secret to candle wax cleanup that will revolutionize your crafting experience.


If you're a candle maker, you've likely encountered the challenge of spilled candle wax. Whether it's on your worktable or the floor, cleaning up candle wax can seem daunting. But don't worry— we have some fantastic tips to help you manage those spills with ease.


1. Prepare Your Workspace:
When setting up your candle making studio, ensure you're working over a hard, smooth surface. This could be your table or floor. A smooth surface makes it much easier to remove candle wax spills. If your workspace doesn't have such a surface, consider using a plastic drop cloth or spill mat to simplify cleanup.


2. Essential Cleanup Tools:
In your maker studio, keep these essential tools handy: a scraper, some rubbing alcohol, and a cleaning rag. These tools are vital for effectively removing wax from surfaces. Our organic sugar cane alcohol is a multitasker that works great for perfumes, sprays, and, of course, candle wax removal.


3. Step-by-Step Cleanup Process:
Don't panic if you spill candle wax. First, allow the wax to cool completely. Then, use your scraper to remove large wax areas from the surface. After scraping, dip your rag in rubbing alcohol or spray some directly on the surface and gently rub to remove any remaining wax.


4. Protect Your Clothes:
Removing wax from fabrics can be challenging and often unsuccessful. To prevent ruining your favorite clothes, wear an apron, like the crossbody apron from makesy, and designate some old clothes for your messier crafting sessions.


With these tips, wax spills won't hold you back from creating beautiful candles. If you have your own tips, feel free to share them in the comments below. And don't forget to subscribe to our channel for more maker tips and tricks. Happy making!

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