Make Your Own Natural Beachy Wave Hair Texture Spray

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Easy peasy beachy waves! Say that 3 times fast! All natural and ALLL amazing, in this video learn how to make our simple, beachy wave hair texture spray to have sweet smelling tousled locks in minutes.

Get your tools and ingredients

Makes 2


  1. Combine in one pitcher: 1 oz Fine Himalayan Pink Salt, 10 ml Aloe Gel Concentrate, and 1 oz vitamin b5 (panthenol)
  2. Combine in a second pitcher: 2 oz BioSolv Natural Oil Solubilizer, 10 ml amber salt & tonka oud, 10 ml ClearTec Plant Derived Preservative
  3. Mix contents of both bowls together and bottle in our frosted glass bottles

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